Ryota Aoki Clay Works
[ 2015/10/23(fri) - 10/27(tue)] @Toukyo
At a gallery “Toukyo” which resides in the center of Tokyo city, Aoki will present his whole new collection of wood-fired kiln work, which became his greatest challenge of 2015. He keeps the air of his delicate line and smooth texture, and fuses it together with the natural power of the old style kiln.
It’s the first time to present his newly evolved works since the show in Shibuya this summer.
Please pay a visit to meet his powerful set of collaboration with modern and the classic.
Aoki will be at the gallery most days in the afternoon during the exhibition.
We will be waiting for you at the show, do bring your friends in!
Gallery Toukyo
2-25-13 Nishi-azabu, Minato-ku,Tokyo 106-0031
TEL : +81 3-3797-4494
Opening Hours : 11:00~19:00(Open everyday during the show)