Taisuke Mori Ceramic Works

森泰介 展

[ 2015/12/3(thur) - 12/27(sun)] @Shunyo


This Spring, Taisuke Mori finished his three years of apprenticeship

under Ryota Aoki, and became Aoki’s first top pupil.

And Mori’s first solo exhibition is now on show

at a gallery in Tajimi, Torin Shunyo.


Master and pupil, their show were scheduled to be in a row this year.


Mori will be at the gallery for this weekend,

why not drop by to see and listen to his apprenticeship experience?



Artist at the gallery:12/5(sat)〜6(sun)




3-89-1 Hakusan-cho Tajimi City Gifu Prefecture

Post code: 507-0038

TEL: 0572232293

Opening Hours:10:00~18:00(Closes on Monday)


12 06, 2015 | Posted in EXHIBITIONComments Closed