Kanayamachi Rakuichi in Samanoko
[ 2015/09/18(fri) - 09/20(sun)] @Kanayamachi in Samanoko
Held at his home prefecture of Toyama, Aoki will be presenting his work at a craft event in Kanayamacho Takaoka City.
Kanayamacho is home to Takaoka Casting, also is a beautiful village of very fine wooden lattice work with old stone pavement, one of the typical yet precious Japanese villages.
How will Aoki’s modern Tea Bowls make collaboration with the traditional scenery?
Please drop in of you are nearby.
(*Aoki’s work will participate in the exhibition starting from the second day.)
(*The work of the photo above may not appear at the exhibition.)
Kanayamachi Rakuichi in Samanoko
09 10, 2015 | Posted in EXHIBITION | Comments Closed