Ryota Aoki

青木良太 展

[ 2015/11/14(sat) - 11/29(sun)] @Shunyo


Aoki will have his last exhibition of this year

at his home ground in Tajimi, gallery Shunyo.

Works fired by wood-fire and electric kilns will all gather in this show to sum up the work of this year.

Gallery Shunyo holds a beautiful space of Japanese styled rooms and inner garden.

How about a cup of coffee at the cafe area to enjoy the collaboration

of the quiet Japanese room with Aoki’s powerful wood-fired works?


Aoki will be at the show in the first day of exhibition.

Please drop in along with your friends and family!


Opening Reception


Aoki will be here for the opening on the first day of his show.

Why not take this chance to try questions about his work, and his kiln?

Anyone is welcome, so please visit by!




3-89-1 Hakusan-cho Tajimi City Gifu Prefecture

Post code: 507-0038

TEL: 0572232293

Opening Hours:10:00~18:00(Closes on Monday)


11 05, 2015 | Posted in EXHIBITIONComments Closed